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OPINIONS  about the  SITE
from internauts and my students
visits to the site
since September 2012
Patrick FRASELLE - message on FB (in French)
“Your site on the piano is of an extraordinary richness. Your research is fine, powerful and very pedagogic. I have studied and shared it in my own writing on the piano on my personal sites.”
Patrick FRASELLE, pianist, composer, improvisator, professor of piano

Françoise Hock. University of Strasbourg
“extremely useful”
Link to the original post in the chapter “How to Study Chopin’s Etudes?” (in French)
E-mail from a new student on the internet (in French)
“Normally, after stopping this long (two weeks), resuming work takes a long time and is painful for my fingers. This time, it was not the case. I sat down at my piano this morning with the impression of having left it only yesterday, and everything happened as if I had never stopped. What is clear is that the techniques you teach, even if I have not yet mastered them and there is still much to correct, have given me an enormous impression of economy for my fingers. After only five lessons with you, and even through the means of internet, I feel an true change in my fashion of approaching my own playing and my instrument. All of these changes are beneficial and motivating for the future. Thank You.”
Christian Her - message on FB (in French)
“I visited your personal website on the piano technique (I am myself a pianist and teacher) and I can only congratulate you because you raise in the best way a number of subjects that have always passionated me. A very good initiative.”

Lucie Phantoy – Caen
Link to the original post in chapter 3 - “Characteristics of the Keyboard” (in French)
Debussy - Nocturne L. 82 - e-mail from a student on the internet (in Polish)
“The use of rotating movements in the wrist really worked miracles! Why has no one ever spoken of this before? My left hand is getting along better with this accompaniment! I have always had problems with this kind of arpeggio and now I can play them successfully.”

“Look at this blog, simply marvelous!”
Link to the original post in chapter 5 - “The weight of the hand” (in French)
Chopin - Scherzo No 1 - a mail from one of my students (in Polish)
"I will say, with hand on heart, that now I play a whole lot easier than ever before thanks to one of your comments: Do not play straight down, but as if you wanted to «push the piano forward». It is simply magic - I feel no resistance of matter! I just wonder why nobody hasn't explained this to me before?”

“what a wonderful website link in the description. I'm lucky!”
Link to the original post on YouTube (in Polish)